Our experts
  • Galiya Shauketovna Fayzullina
    Museum expert, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Service at TURAN University (Almaty).
    Since 1999, he has extensive experience working in museums in Kazakhstan.
    2014–15 – project manager at the Public Foundation “Almadeniet” (projects - International Cultural Forum, United Museum Forum, Night of Museums-Almaty, etc.). Author of about 130 publications in scientific and popular science publications on museum issues, incl. collection of articles “Modern Museum in Kazakhstan: Questions, Facts, Opinions” (Saarbrucken, 2012, co-authors).
    Since 2017, he has been teaching at Turan University and Kazakh National University. al-Farabi. In 2019-2020, she taught the course “Problems of preservation and museumification of intangible cultural heritage” at the doctoral program of KazNU.
    Head of the research project “Historical and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of the hospitality industry of Kazakhstan” 2019-2022.
  • Baktiyar Saparbekovich Kozhakhmetov
    Member of the Board of Directors of "Association of Travelers of Russia", honorary member of the Presidium of "Union of Kipchaks of Hungary", member of "Civil Peace Center". Representative of the National Geographic Society "QazaqGeography". Author and leader of ethnological expedition on camels "Otyrar-Ulytau" (1991, length 1200 km.) and international expedition "Altai-Danube", which took place in five stages from 1999 to 2005, length 6000 km. Initiator and organizer of inclusion of nomination "Traditional spring rites of Kazakh horse breeders" in the world list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. The initiator of the construction of the visitor center in the village of Ulytau. Author of photo albums "Ulytau", "Sign of the Height", books "Hungary through the eyes of the Altai-Danube", "Copper path", co-author of photo album "Sacred Ulytau", "Man and nature", "Battle of Bulatyn". He was awarded letters of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Tourism and Sports, Akimov Region and City. At the end of 2000, he was awarded the "Best Museum Worker of the Year" gold medal "10 Years of Independence" and several jubilee medals. In 2015, he was awarded the title "Excellence in the field of culture". He is a knight of the Order of Honor.
  • Alaniyazov Turganbek Kaipnazarovich
    Born in 1956 in Altynkul village, Karakalpak ASSR. Professor of the department "History of Kazakhstan, law and humanitarian disciplines". B 1978 Graduated from the Faculty of History of Tashkent State University. From 1978 to 1985, he worked as an assistant at the "History of the CPSU" department of Nukus State University (Karakalpakstan). From 1985 to 1988 - graduate student of the Department "History of the USSR" of Tashkent State University. B 1989 at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR defended the thesis for the third degree candidate of historical sciences in the specialty "History of the USSR". From 1989 to 1992, he worked as a senior teacher at the Zhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute. From 1992 to 1998, he worked as a driller of the underground geological exploration of the Yuzhno-Zhezkazgan mine of the Corporation "Kazakhmys". B 1998 returned to teaching at Zhezkazgan University. B 2000 approved by the VAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the academic rank of docent. Allaniyazov T.K. the author of more than 70 scientific works, including 23 monographs on the history, historiography and methodology of the military affairs of the nomads of Kazakhstan, the history of armed protests and insurgent movements during the period of collectivization in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the history of camps for prisoners of war and special camps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the Karaganda region and Russia Federation, political history of Jezkazgana. Deep knowledge of history, extensive scientific and pedagogical experience and high qualifications of Turganbek Kaipnazarovich have been serving the Republic of Kazakhstan for 25 years. His dedication to historical science, rich school of life are a bright example for young students, graduate students and students. Allaniyazov T.K. for his contribution to the historiography of Kazakhstan, he was repeatedly awarded with honorary diplomas of the akimat of the city. Zhezkazgan and Karaganda regional councils.
  • Tursinbayeva Kania Sayanovna
    Chairman of the Public Association "Damu-Ulytau"
    Member of the Council for cooperation with NGOs under the administration of Karaganda region
    Candidate of Geographical Sciences
    Docenta Geography
    Corresponding member of the International Academy "Ecology"
    Corresponding member of the CONCORD International Academy
  • Shaigozova Zhanerke Nauryzbaevna
    Methodist, culturologist, teacher
    She was born in 1973 in Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan.
    Lives and works in Almaty.
    In 1996, he graduated from the Art and Graphic Faculty of Zhezkazgan State University named after Academician O.A. Baikonurova.
    Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.
    Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    Member of the National Committee for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage
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