A short list of works carried out by the Public Foundation “Uly Tagzym” in order to popularize and preserve the natural, cultural, historical and spiritual heritage of Ulytau
PF "Uly Tagzym" was a collective member of the International Anti-Nuclear Movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk". In the same year, the Foundation began work on the Heptyl Project, with the aim of attracting public attention to the problems of contamination with the remains of space rockets and toxic fuel.
Release of the article “And again on the road...” in the newspaper “Zhezkazganskaya Gazeta” about the Abulkhair mint in the Ulytau mountains
1990, June
The Foundation organized an action to save the rock paintings “Terekty Aulie” with the participation of members of the Young Tourists Station, Zhezkazgan Television, the Office of the State Security Committee, the Scientific Research Design Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, students and teachers of the Zhezkazgan Pedagogical Institute and the Zhezkazgan Polytechnic Institute. The Volga cooperative extracted granite by blasting in the immediate vicinity of the monuments. The result of the action was the decision of the regional executive committee to stop granite mining
1990, July
In order to attract public attention to the problems of preserving the medieval settlements of the Ulytau region, I created a film about the archeological monuments of the Ulytau region “Gasyrlar un katkanda”
The Foundation led an expedition to examine the consequences of the fall of space rocket stages on the territory of the Amangeldy state farm. Photo and film shootings and meetings with local residents were carried out. Subsequently, at the insistence of the regional executive committee and environmental and medical organizations of the region and the Republic, a number of medical and environmental examinations of the Ulytau district were carried out
1991, July and August
“Uly Tagzym” organized and conducted an ethnographic expedition on camels along one of the branches of the Great Silk Road, “Silk Road: Otrar-Ulytau”. Goal: to attract the attention of the public of the Republic to the historical center of Kazakhstan - Ulytau
1991, July
“Uly Tagzym” is the organizer of the event “Zhezkazgan is 4000 years old”. With the participation of a representative of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, copper was smelted using the ancient method. In ancient times, copper was delivered from the Ulytau region to Central Asia and the Black Sea region
1991, August
“Uly Tagzym” initiates and organizes a trip to Leningrad, to the Hermitage. A plaster copy of the “Timur Plate” was made. Timur's inscription was carved on a similar stone. A replica stone weighing two tons was installed on a historical site in the Altynshoki tract, in the Ulytau mountains
1992, June
The Foundation is the organizer of the Arganates expedition with the participation of photographers from Mosfilm and the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR. Based on the results of the expedition, the booklet “Ulytau” was published for the first time
The Foundation is a co-organizer of archaeological excavations in the Terekti Aulie tract, Taldysai, Zhoshy-Orda
The Foundation began developing the Altai – Danube Project: an archaeo-ethnological expedition across the Eurasian steppe from the Altai Territory of Russia to the Danube River in Hungary. Goal: popularization of the culture of nomads and one of the epicenters of nomadic culture - Ulytau
Uly Tagzym holds photo exhibitions “Ulytau” in the cities: Astana, Almaty, Moscow (Russia), Kartsag (Hungary), Turkestan, Pavlodar, Lisakovsk, Karaganda, Zhezkazgan, Satpayev, Balkhash
Uly Tagzym developed and published a booklet about the archaeological monuments of Ulytau “Mutual influence and interaction of steppe peoples.” Consultant archaeologist Zh. Smailov
“Uly Tagzym” was the first to release a photo album about Ulytau in the publishing house “Oner”
Uly Tagzym became the author of the 13th serial television film “The Silk Road: Otyrar–Ulytau”. Director B. Umbetova
Uly Tagzym organized and led the international peacekeeping expedition “Altai – Danube”. Along the entire route, in all events carried out during the expedition, Ulytau was popularized as the epicenter of nomadic culture, as the center of the Eurasian Steppe
The foundation organized work on the improvement of sacred places in Ulytau, the production of memorial plates of the seven saints of Aulietau and the Gulsara spring.
Together with the Alty Alash Public Foundation, on instructions from the Ministry of Culture, we traveled to 13 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to analyze the work of district, city and regional local history museums
The Foundation released the photo album “Ulytau”
The foundation received the title “Best NGO of the Year” in the Karaganda region
2010, January
The Foundation was one of the organizers of the “Battle of Bulanty” expedition. Scientists from Almaty, Karaganda, Lisakovsk, Italy, and Belgium took part in the research. Expedition leader E. Usmanova
2010, May
The Foundation received sponsorship from Kazakhmys LLP in the amount of 61 million tenge for the construction of the Khan Alan and Asan-Kaigy monuments
2010, August
The Foundation developed and issued a tourist map of Ulytau
2010, October
In order to revive handicraft skills, the Foundation organized the work of a workshop-forge in the village. Ulytau
2010 - 2012
Every year the Foundation organizes the installation of memorial plaques on the graves of WWII participants
With the support of ethnographer Emma Usmanova and architect Murat Baisbay Uly Tagzym, he prepared a scientific justification and a draft sketch of a pilgrimage center in Ulytau. In 2020, its construction was completed as the Visit - the center of the reserve - museum.
Initiator of the publication of 28 advertising and information printed materials and souvenirs about Ulytau
2011, November
The Fund initiated the inclusion in the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Comprehensive plan for the socio-economic development of the cities of Zhezkazgan, Satpayev and Ulytau district of the Karaganda region for 2012 - 2017” the project “Tourist complex “Ulytau El” worth 300 million tenge
2012, May
The Foundation organized the ethno-festival “Terisakkan Spring”
2012, June
The Foundation initiated the construction of a staircase in Aulietau
2013 - 2014, September
The Foundation published the photo album “Biiktiktin Beynesi”
Organization and holding of the International Conference “Battle of Bulantin”
2015, April-November
The Foundation took an active part in creating the exposition of the Ulytau reserve-museum
2015, December
Publication of a book-album and construction of the “Battle of Bulantin” ensemble
2015, December
The Foundation went on an expedition to Europe “On the Roads of the Altai Cross”
2016, April
Publication of a book about the Ulytau reserve-museum
2017, May
The Foundation co-organized the ethnic festival “Ulytau Kymyzy”
2017, May-September
A photo expedition is organized annually with the involvement of professional photographers
2018, May
The Foundation co-organized the Kokmaisa ethnofestival
2018, September
Prepared a layout for the publication of the photo album “SACRED ULYTAU: THE SLOPE OF TERISAKKAN”
2018, October
Improvement of the M Bulak spring
2018, November
Inclusion of “Traditional spring rituals of Kazakh horse breeders: aigyr kosu, kymyz muryndyk and biye baylau” in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Mauritius)
Expedition to the sacred peaks of the Turks. On February 20, 2019, we started implementing the Project “Ulytau Taulary - Uly Taulary!” (All the Ulytau mountains are great mountains!). The expedition members climbed Ulytau (Aulietau) in winter. The goal of the project is to visit all the Ulytau mountains (Kazakhstan, Turkey, the Caucasus, Altai, Mongolia) in order to popularize the significance of the Ulytau mountains in the worldview of the Turkic-Mongolian World. Project Manager Dmitry Rugis. Sponsor of the Project: Margulan Seisenbaev.
Almaty Bureau of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Meeting a cultural specialist from the UNESCO Cluster Office in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For active participation in the popularization of historical and natural monuments of Ulytau, a letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Geographical Society, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.U. Mamin
Continuation of the improvement of the “Alley of Batyrs” and the beginning of the implementation of the “Erlikke Tagzym” project (worship of the feat).
The Foundation annually holds or actively participates in organizing photo exhibitions in the regions of Kazakhstan
Diploma and award from the Ministry of Information and Public Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Foundation entered the top ten among 23 thousand NGOs in Kazakhstan
For active cooperation with UNESCO, a letter of gratitude from the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO
2020, September
Our foundation is so far the first and only NGO accredited by UNESCO from Kazakhstan
Winner of the competition among NGOs of the Karaganda region. Awarding with a diploma and a valuable gift “Best NGO”
At the expense of sponsors, we created 10 videos on the topic of monuments and history of Ulytau
At the expense of sponsors, the “Em Bulak” spring, at the foot of Mount Aulietau, was improved.
By order of the akimat of the city of Zhezkazgan and the Republican State Enterprise of the reserve-museum “Ulytau”, booklets were published on 13 topics of monuments and nature of Ulytau
Expedition to the sacred peaks of the Turks.
From February 17 to 24, 2020, the expedition “Ulytau Taulary - Uly Taulary!” took place. (All the Ulytau mountains are great mountains!). The expedition took place in the Republic of Turkey in the city of Bursa, where members of the expedition visited Ulydag University. Agreements were reached with the university leadership on the joint implementation of the project. Meetings were held at the Center for the Development of Turkic Peoples TUDAM, with its director Dr. Erdem Ozdemir. In the reception hall of the Center, a presentation of the project was held for TUDAM employees and students of Uludag University, and they talked about the place and role of Ulytau in the history and culture of Kazakhstan.
By order of the Akimat of the Ulytau region, a photo album dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde “Kasietti Ulytau” was published
Consultation of school museums in the Ulytau region. We visited 13 of the 14 museums in the area.
On behalf of the akimat of the city of Zhezkazgan, we formed a group of scientists studying the history of the Golden Horde and the Kazakh Khanate to create an exhibition and information hall of the Zhoshy Khan tourist complex.
The Foundation provided text and illustrative material to designers on the history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present day. Based on these data, an exhibition was created, the opening of which was attended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In September-October 2021, an expedition was organized along the route: Ulytau - Atbasar - Pavlodar - Semey - Ayagoz - Karaganda - Zhanarka - Zhezkazgan - Ulytau in order to collect a database (questioning) of artisans. The total number of respondents was 40 artisans.
On October 26-27, 2021, in the village of Ulytau, Karaganda region, the first Kazakhstan online forum of representatives of communities and bearers of intangible cultural heritage, masters of applied crafts, museum employees, researchers, and experts was held.
At the inauguration of the “International Network of Living Heritage of the Silk Roads”, held at the office of ICHKAP (UNESCO Pacific Bureau) in Seoul (Korea), the director of the NGO/PF “Uly Tagzym” Balgyn Salykova took part as a member of the Coordination Bureau of the international network of living heritage of the Silk Roads " According to the decision of the Bureau, the first festival to be represented by Kazakhstan was the ethno-festival “Kokmaisa”.
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